I saw my OB/GYN on September 4th, and I was down 4.5 pounds since our last visit!! Tracking what I was eating was quite the eye-opener. What did I learn? Dining at a restaurant, ordering in, or picking up take-out caused me to retain water and swell...almost immediately. So, I stopped. No more processed foods. I started off the pregnancy so healthy, at the lowest weight I could recall. Remember? When did I veer off track? I guess I was using the excuse, "eating for two". I was glad for the wake-up call, and thankful that my care provider was accountable and professional! Now, 3-weeks later (and being really good), I'm down another 1.5 pounds. Healthy, home-cooked meals never tasted so good. I won't lie, I miss the chocolate-peanut butter ice cream, but I choose my days to celebrate and indulge now. September 26th was one of those days...mmm, the "dolce bombette"!!
On Sunday September 2nd, I started HypnoBirthing. The Mongan Method is a unique method of relaxed, natural childbirth education enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques. It allows women to use their natural instincts to bring about a safer, easier, more comfortable birthing. It is presented in a series of five classes, two-and-a-half hours each. "HypnoBirthing is as new as tomorrow and as old as ancient times". Of 1227 HypnoBirthing mothers surveyed, over 83% gave birth without any pain medication whatsoever. HypnoBirthing mothers have a 50% reduction in C-section rates. I hope you're not judging. I realize this is not for everyone. I'm not trying to be a superwoman. In all honesty, the thought of the epidural scares me more than the thought of labour does. The possibility of a pain free labour through better pain management, the potential for a drug free birth, less need for medical interventions, the reduction of post natal recovery time, reducing the chance of post natal depression, and generally shortened length of labour are the motivating benefits driving me. I hope you'll cheer me along, whatever your beliefs! My Doula, Christin Mandalentsis, teaches the class and Mike and I have met 3 other wonderful couples: Helen & John (due in October); Camille & Chad (due in December); Dolly and Anthony (due in January).
That night, I dreamt for the first time that I gave birth to a baby girl. Mike already had this dream...also about a baby girl. Were our dreams trying to tell us something? I guess only time will tell...
On September 7th, I picked up my kit from Cells For Life. Mike and I have decided to donate my cord blood to the Victoria Angel Registry of Hope Public Bank (http://www.cellsforlife.com/victoriaangel/). They say give and you shall receive...
Well, I guess I did. That same day, I received the car seat from my registry. No matter what happens now, Baby-Reali can come home!! Thank you for your generosity Angie, Laura, Rosanna, Lily, Antonella, Emma and Kayla! I also want to thank Barb for the "Ipood" onesie...how fitting. I can picture Baby-Reali wearing this outfit with purple boots on (just as Mommy would do). xo.
The generosity of others continued... On Saturday, my sister-in-law (Lisa) brought me a bag full of maternity clothes. And, just in time! I was going to a 50th birthday party that night, and needed something that wasn't casual or business attire. I rocked new jeans, a beautiful green v-neck tunic and my sexy cowboy ankle boots.
On Sunday, Kathy gave me a carseat that Sarah has now grown out of. Thanks to her kindness, we now have both vehicles covered! xo.
On September 9th and 16th, we had HypnoBirthing classes 2 and 3. We were learning how to prepare our minds and bodies for birth, how to go into deep relaxation easily and quickly, guided meditations, special breathing exercises and massage, birth positions, releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts. It doesn't come easy...we had to practice everyday!
I started to feel the baby move differently, and in a new spot, the week of September 17th. Since I first started feeling Fetus-Reali, it's always been low (bottom of my belly), and it always felt like jabs or kicks. This week, it feels like Fetus-Reali is moving (not jabbing or kicking), and I feel it high (at the top of my belly). Head-down, perhaps??
September 19th: 30-weeks pregnant. Bought more coconut oil...still no stretch marks!
On September 21st, I received my "secret Elfster" gift. My November 2012 Birth Club Group on Facebook organized a gift exchange, and I received mine from Lindsay Piggott! Thank you for the bibs, rattle and card. What a nice surprise! My cousin that keeps on giving paid us another visit today...this time with a toddler bed, dresser and night stand. He already has us prepared for 2 or 3 years down the road. Daryl, I can't keep up with the thank-yous...we love you so much!!
On September 23rd, we had HypnoBirthing class 4. Mike was sick and had to stay home. I was on a solo mission. We discussed our birth plan/preference sheets, birth rehearsal imagery, fear release, and labour.
On September 25th, I received another gift from my registry. Jane purchased me a Fisher-Price Take Along Play Blanket, books (I Am Small, Goodnight Moon and I Love You Through and Through), and a duck bath thermometer. I can't wait to read to Baby-Reali!
On September 26th, I had my last "monthly" appointment with Dr. Peters! 31-weeks pregnant and only 9-weeks to go! Fetus-Reali's heartbeat was strong at 156 bpm. I'm measuring within normal limits, and Fetus-Reali is head down and ready to go! I go back to Dr. Peters every 2-weeks now...on the home stretch!
That same night, I think Mike and I got a little bit closer to narrowing down names (for a boy and a girl). It would mean a compromise for both of us, and is still not set in stone.
On September 27th, Mike and I went to a workshop: You, Me & Baby Makes 3 - Milestones from Birth to 6 Months. Jillian, a paediatric Nurse at Markham Stouffville Hospital, was a fantastic instructor for Markham Prenatal! We also met Catherine & Matthew (due December 4), Alicia (due October 2), Amy & Brent (due January 18) and Natalie & Joel (due December 17). The content was informative and important: sleep; bonding; eating; off to the Doctors; Here I grow (development and milestones). Mike and I really valued the information presented in the workshop, and you could sense that everyone else in the class felt the same.
On September 28th, we received a feeding chair from our registry. Thank you Susy!! We love you, and will miss seeing you at the shower. A gift was not necessary, but we appreciate your thoughtfulness and generosity. We also put the rocking chair in the nursery today. This was the rocking chair my mother-in-law used with my baby-Daddy when he was just born! Such sentiment! Looking forward to dressing it up with Skip Hop Treetop friends pillows and throws!
September 30 - Our final HypnoBirthing class! We discussed practice labour and moving into birthing; positions for descent and birthing; breathing baby down to birth; birth rehearsal imagery; family bonding with our baby. We're ready!!
September...my 7th month and still feeling great! Still no symptoms to report... My swelling and weight are under control; no stretch marks; hardly any heartburn; no real fatigue, no back pain, no leg muscle cramping. I feel healthy, energetic and happy (oh, and my hair doesn't fall out in the shower)! I have been blessed with a wonderful pregnancy and feel like a lucky lady! Here's hoping my luck continues into labour and delivery...